Gary Fishell

Software Engineer

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About Me

Bachelors of Computer Science Graduate | San Diego State University | Summa Cum Laude | GPA/Major GPA: 3.9/4.0

Hello! My name is Gary and I'm currently a software engineer for Hewlett Packard. Creating software has been a passion of mine long before forming it into a career. Growing up I was always fascinated by how developers managed to create some of my favorite video-games as a kid. I can still vividly remember asking a high-school friend for his Comp-Sci class material so that I could teach myself Java to create my own games.

This passion has transformed into a career of learning how to develop software to solve some serious real-world problems.

Through my time as a software engineer, I have gained the ability to learn unfamiliar concepts quickly and develop software in an agile environment. I've really learned to enjoy the learning process as it allows me to create and improve on applications in new ways. As I continue my career, I plan to embrace this learning process by continuing to learn new and unfamiliar technologies.

Thank you for stopping by to view the work that I'm most proud of and I hope you enjoy :D



Graffiti Incident Tracker System (GITS)

Web Application

Skills Used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, Flask, SQLite, SQLAlchemy, Selenium WebDriver

  • Developed a graffiti incident tracking web application which utilizes a RESTful API using the Flask framework
  • Utilized Google Maps API to provide geospatial awareness of incidents
  • Built a graffiti incident reporting form which allows city workers to publish findings to a SQLite database
  • Implemented multi-role login system utilizing Flask-Login for session management
  • Utilized Selenium WebDriver to exercise client and server logic across all endpoints

Subscription-Based Content Platform

Web Application

Skills Used: NestJS, NextJS, React, Typescript, Redis, MongoDB

  • Created a React component using WebSockets to enable real-time communication
  • Orchestrated creation of new backend endpoints to facilitate admin-to-user messaging
  • Revamped frontend, backend and MongoDB schema to support a new subscription model

CHIP-8 Interpreter

System Engineering/Emulation Project

Skills Used: C++, Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)

  • Created a CHIP-8 interpreter to virtualize games ran on the Telmac 1800 8-Bit Microcomputer
  • Formulated a system architecture to replicate CHIP-8 hardware (Registers, memory, opcode interpretation)
  • Utilized the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library to replicate sound, display and input
  • Designed a Debugging User Interface to display system level information to CHIP-8 game developers

SIC-XE Simulator

System Engineering/Emulation Project

Skills Used: Python

  • Led a team of four to formulate and produce a working line-by-line assembly language simulator
  • Organized and lead weekly scrum meetings to adhere to agile framework
  • Led design, implementation of interpreter architecture, & SIC/XE assembly instruction logic
  • Designed a Debugging User Interface to display system level information to CHIP-8 game developers

Dodgy Bullet

3D First-Person-Shooter Game

Skills Used: C# and Unity 3D

  • Created a 3D game using the Unity game engine where the player must dodge objects and shoot robots
  • Developed complex game logic with attention to memory usage using C#


Primary Programming Languages

Secondary Programming Languages






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